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(Power English) 2019년 8월 5일

2,656 바이트 추가됨, 2019년 8월 5일 (월) 22:45
새 문서: == 제목 == Gazpacho == 표현 == === what the doctor ordered === the thing needed to make someone feel better 오늘 같은 날에는 이런 시원한 풀장에 있으면 더...
== 제목 ==


== 표현 ==

=== what the doctor ordered ===

the thing needed to make someone feel better

오늘 같은 날에는 이런 시원한 풀장에 있으면 더 바랄 게 없지.
The cool swimming pool is just what the doctor ordered for a day like this.

=== dog days of summer ===

the hottest time of the year

한 여름이 되면 대도시에서는 폭력 범죄 발생률이 증가한다.
During the dog days of summer, the rate of violent crimes increases in big cities.

=== hit the spot ===

to be refreshing or satisfying

그 차가운 맥주를 마시니까 속이 다 후련하다.
That cold beer really hits the spot.

=== you might want to ===

넌 ~하는 게 좋은 거야
: You might want to put on some sunblock.

== 본문 ==

What are you making, Elliot? It smells amazing!

It's gazpacho, a cold vegetable soup my grandmother would make us when we'd visit her in Spain in the summer. This and a little bread - just what the doctor ordered!

Looks like the perfect meal during the dog days of summer. What's in it?

It's got a lot of diced veggies, like tomatoes, garlic, onions, cucumbers, and bell peppers. Then I blend half of it and mix the rest together.

It sounds so simple and refreshing!

Okay, but you have to try this sauce I made. Did I '''crush it''' or what?

Um... I think '''you might want to''' get a cookbook to help with your inspiration.

So this hits the spot.

== 예문 ==

=== 교재 ===

# 이 휴가가 정말 필요했어.
#* This vacation was just what the doctor ordered.
# 몸시 추운 한겨울보다 무더운 한여름에 병가를 내는 사람이 더 많다.
#* More people call in sick during the dog days of summer than the coldest days of winter.
# 엄마, 정말 맛있게 잘 먹었어요. 기가 막히게 맛있었어요.
#* That was a wonderful meal, mom. It hit the spot.

=== 창작 ===

# 살을 빼려는 나 같은 사람에게는 가벼운 저녁을 먹는 건 더할 나위 없이 좋아.
#* Having light dinner is just what the doctor ordered especially for people like me who want to shed their pounds.
# 삼복더위는 나를 지치게 만들어서 나는 스타벅스 같은 시원한 장소에 간다.
#* The dog days of summer makes me feel lethargic, so I tend to go to cool places like Starbucks.
# 콩 가루를 저녁으로 먹는 건 살을 빼려고 하는 나에게 딱 맞다.
#* Bean powder for dinner hits the spot because I’m losing my weight.

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