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(Power English) 2019년 7월 29일

1,750 바이트 추가됨, 2019년 7월 29일 (월) 23:48
새 문서: == 제목 == Substituting Side Dishes in a Restaurant == 표현 == === have one's heart set on something === Donald had his heart set on a new toy train for his birthday. === bel...
== 제목 ==

Substituting Side Dishes in a Restaurant

== 표현 ==

=== have one's heart set on something ===

Donald had his heart set on a new toy train for his birthday.

=== believe it or not ===

Believe it or not, I actually 57 years old.

=== clear something up ===

The CEO spoke to his board members to clear up rumors about bankruptcy.

== 본문 ==

Do you know what you want to order, Corey?

I had my heart set on a T-bone steak, but it comes with a baked potato.

What would you rather have in place of the potato?

Believe it or not, I'm in the mood for broccoli. But the broccoli only served with the chicken parmesan.

Waiter, can we substitute side dishes?

Of course, ma'am. You can substitute anything that's listed on our "sides" menu, including a small salad.

Thanks for clearing that up, Addy. I think I'm ready to order now.

== 예문 ==

=== 교재 ===

# 애들이 오늘 바닷가에 너무 가고 싶어 했어.
#* Kids had their hearts set on going to the beach today.
# 놀랍게도 방울뱀은 닭고기 맛이 나.
#* Believe it or not, rattlesnakes taste just like chicken.
# 나와 관련해서 떠도는 얘기들 좀 바로잡고 싶네요.
#* I want to clear up some of the stories going around about me.

=== 창작 ===

# 나는 다르게 살기로 결정했어.
#* I've had my heart set on living a different life.
# 믿기지 않겠지만, 나 유학가.
#* Believe or not, I'm going to study abroad.
# 소개팅녀에 대해 네 생각을 명확히 할 필요가 있어.
#* You need to clear up your thought on your blind date.

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