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(Power English) 2019년 8월 8일

2,453 바이트 추가됨, 2019년 8월 12일 (월) 00:09
새 문서: == 제목 == The Race Back to the Moon == 표현 == === throw one's hat into the ring === to announce that one will be competing in something 현 상원의원을 상대로 출사...
== 제목 ==

The Race Back to the Moon

== 표현 ==

=== throw one's hat into the ring ===

to announce that one will be competing in something

현 상원의원을 상대로 출사표를 던질 요량이면 작전을 잘 짜야 할 겁니다.
If you're going to throw your hat into the ring and run against the senator, you'd better have a good plan.

=== spur someone on ===

to motivate or encourage someone to do something

마라톤 결승선에서 아내를 볼생각에 기운이 불끈 솟았다.
I was spurred on by the thought of seeing my wife at the marathon's finish line.

=== one way of looking at something ===

a different point of view than others

전자책 덕에 출판 산업이 친환경적으로 거듭나고 있다고 보는 견해도 있다.
One way of looking at e-book is as an environmentally-friendly change for the publishing industry.

=== I've noticed... ===

내가 보니까 ~하더라 (변화나 낌새 등을 알아차렸을 때)

* I've noticed something strange about our neighbor.
* I've noticed that you write with your left hand and throw with your right.

== 본문 ==

'''I've noticed''' there's a lot of interest in the moon recently. China landed a probe there in January and Israel had a failed attempt in April.

Everyone's '''throwing their hats into the ring''' to get back there.

Yeah, India is going to send a probe this year and Japan next year.

I wonder what spurred on this latest push to return to the lunar surface?

I think they want to use the moon as a refueling station before going to Mars or the Asteroid Belt.

So, it will be like a big cosmic truck stop?

That's one way of looking at it.

== 예문 ==

=== 교재 ===

# 1년 동안 훈련한 끝에 철인 3종 경기에 출전할 준비가 되어 있었다.
#* After a year of training, I was ready to throw my hat into the ring and enter the Iron Man Triathlon.
# 기술의 진보에 불을 지피는 것은 굵직한 사회 문제들이다.
#* Advances in technology are spurred on by major societal problems.
# 지구 온난화 문제를 색다른 해결책을 모색할 기회로 보는 시각도 있다.
#* One way of looking at the problem of global warming is to see it as an opportunity for creative solutions.

=== 창작 ===

업데이트 중

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