2020년 1월 25일

라이언양 위키
라이언양 (토론 | 기여)님의 2020년 1월 26일 (일) 00:24 판
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1 소개

2020년 1월 25일에 작성한 위키 페이지

2 영어뉴스 읽기

2.1 get a word in edgewise

옆에서 한마디 하다

Whether it’s a meeting or a party, any time you get more than a couple of people together in a group, it can become difficult (if not impossible) to get a word in edgewise.

2.2 in short supply

공급이 딸리는

Everyone’s busy, everyone’s tired, and time feels in short supply. Or so it seems. What really may be lacking is motivation.

2.3 binge watch

(드라마나 시리즈 영상물을) 몰아서 보다.

You both say, “We should hang out sometime!” but for some reason you never do. Why? Sure, you have things going on, but you still managed to binge watch the latest “Stranger Things.”

2.4 "me" time

나만의 힐링시간(피로회복 시간)

There’s nothing wrong with a little “me” time, but it’s also O.K. to spend some of it reaching out to someone new.

2.5 strike up a conversation

이야기를 꺼내다

If you want to make friends at a party, a work event, or just on the street, just strike up a conversation with someone new.

2.6 make the first move

먼저 행동을 취하다[시작하다]

Most of us are willing to have a conversation, we just don’t always want to be the one to make the first move.

2.7 in a constructive way

건설적인 방법으로

Acknowledge your own emotional state and manage your needs and feelings in a constructive way.

2.8 forgo, deterrent to N, overbroad

forgo 포기하다
deterrent to N ~를 제지하는 것
overbroad 광범위한

Some Silicon Valley companies have for years forgone such charges, which can be difficult to enforce at a large scale and could give the impression that a company aims to profit from legal searches. But privacy experts support such fees as a deterrent to overbroad surveillance.

2.9 exfiltrate

(적진으로부터) 천천히[조금씩] 탈출하다[시키다].

“None of the services were designed with exfiltrating data for law enforcement in mind,” said Mr. Gidari, who is now the consulting privacy director at Stanford’s Center for Internet and Society.

현재 스탠포드 인터넷 및 사회 센터의 컨설팅 프라이버시 담당자인 Gidari씨는 "이 서비스 중 어느 것도 법 집행을 위해 데이터를 유출하는 것을 염두에 두고 설계되지 않았다"고 말했다.

2.10 result in

(결과적으로) ~을 낳다[야기하다] (=lead to)

Mr. Gidari also said it was good that the fees might result in fewer legal requests to the company.

2.11 deter from

…하는 것을 단념하게 하다.

“The actual costs of doing wiretaps and responding to search warrants is high, and when you pass those costs on to the government, it deters from excessive surveillance,” he said.

2.12 inundate with

inundate with …가 쇄도하다[밀려들다]
geofence 지리상의 위치나 특정 지역에 대한 가상의 경계 (동사형으로 geo-fence를 로도 표기함)
glean from …에서 주워 모으다.

In April, The Times reported that Google had been inundated with a new type of search warrant request, known as geofence searches. Drawing on an enormous Google database called Sensorvault, they provide law enforcement with the opportunity to find suspects and witnesses using location data gleaned from user devices.

2.13 go into effect

발효하다, 실시하다

Law enforcement officials said it was too early to know the impact of the fees, which Google’s notice said would go into effect in mid-January.

2.14 hamper

방해하다 (=hinder)

Gary Ernsdorff, a senior prosecutor in Washington State, said he was concerned that the charges for search warrants would set a precedent that led more companies to charge for similar requests. That could hamper smaller law enforcement agencies, he said.

a silver lining

구름의 흰 가장자리, 밝은 희망[전망]

Mr. Ernsdorff said there was a potential silver lining, noting that the time it takes for Google to respond to warrants has significantly increased in the past year. Other law enforcement officers also said the time they had to wait for Google to fulfill legal requests had grown.