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(Power English) 2019년 7월 23일

2,154 바이트 추가됨, 2019년 7월 24일 (수) 00:21
새 문서: == 제목 == A Visit to the Lavender Fields == 표현 == === as far as the eye can see === From the front of the boat, there was nothing but ocean as far as the eye could see. ==...
== 제목 ==

A Visit to the Lavender Fields

== 표현 ==

=== as far as the eye can see ===

From the front of the boat, there was nothing but ocean as far as the eye could see.

=== take it all in ===

Take it all in, because in the morning we're flying home and won't be back for a year.

=== better yet ===

Leave your phone in the other room when you sleep. Better yet, turn it off completely.

== 본문 ==

Wow! Look at that - lavendar '''as far as the eye can see!''' Where should I stop?

Keep driving while I '''take it all in.'''

Well, I'm not enjoying it as much as you since I have to keep my eyes on the road. I'm pulling over at the scenic overlook up ahead.

''(Terry stops the car and they get out.)''

Good call! This is the best view yet. Stand over there by the wall and I'll take your picture.

'''Better yet''', ask that couple over there to take our picture.

Good idea. Excusez-moi! Umm, picture, s'il vous plaît?

== 예문 ==

=== 교재 ===

# 눈에 보이는 것은 온통 해바라기뿐이었다.
#* There was nothing but sunflowers '''as far as the eye could see.'''
# 살던 동네를 떠나면서 도로 초입에 멈춰 그 모습을 두 눈에 담았다.
#* As I left my old neighborhood, I stopped at the top of the street to '''take it all in.'''
# 지하철 타자. 아니, 그러지 말고 가면서 일하게 택시 잡자.
#* Let's take the subway. No, '''better yet,''' let's catch a taxi so we can work on the way.

=== 창작 ===

# 그는 끊없이 펼쳐지는 엄청나게 많은 수의 튤립을 네덜란드의 한 국립공원에서 볼 수 있었다.
#* He was able to see a myriad of tulips as far as the eye could see in a national park in the Netherlands.
# 직장을 그만 둔 후 그녀는 마치 내일이 없는 것처럼 그녀의 시간을 맘껏 즐겼다.
#* After quitting her job, she took it all in like there was no tomorrow.
# 그보다는, 살 빼기 위해 저녁을 굶자.
#* Better yet, let's skip the dinner to shed our pounds!

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