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(Power English) 2019년 8월 10일

1,870 바이트 추가됨, 2019년 8월 11일 (일) 23:12
새 문서: == 제목 == Paying off Student Loans == 표현 == === like clockwork === regularly and predictably 옆집에 사는 샐은 매일 아침 정확히 7시 25분이면 집을 나서...
== 제목 ==

Paying off Student Loans

== 표현 ==

=== like clockwork ===

regularly and predictably

옆집에 사는 샐은 매일 아침 정확히 7시 25분이면 집을 나서서 걸어서 출근한다.
Like clockwork, my neighbor Sal is out the door at 7:25 every morning walking to work.

=== road trip ===

a long ride in a car

내 여자 친구랑 나는 온갖 꽃이 만발하는 늦봄이면 차 타고 멀리 여행 다니는 걸 좋아해.
My girlfriend and I like to take long road trips in late spring when all the flowers are in bloom.

=== remain to be seen ===

to be not yet clear or certain

회사가 그 소송을 법정까지 안 가고 합의로 마무리할지 말지는 아직 잘 몰라. 두고 봐야지.
It remains to be seen whether or not the company will settle the lawsuit out of court.

=== the best way to... ===

~하는 가장 좋은 방법은

* The best way to get to City Hall from here is by bus.
* The best way to get good at something is to practice a lot.

== 본문 ==

'''Like clockwork,''' each summer a cloud of cosmic debris from the comet Swift-Tuttle enters the earth's gravitational pull from mid-July to mid-August. This annual meteor shower peaks in visibility between August 10-13 and will allow the observer to see up to 60 meteors per hour. '''The best way to''' enjoy this natural spectacle is to take '''a road trip''' at least an hour away from any city to an area with minimal light pollution. However, there are special festivals to celebrate this light show, though whether or not you will see meteors at these events '''remains to be seen.''' Some meteors will be visible before midnight, the majority can be seen in the hours leading up to sunrise.

== 예문 ==

=== 교재 ===

업데이트 중

=== 창작 ===

업데이트 중

[[분류:영어]][[분류:EBS 라디오]][[분류: Power English]]

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