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2020년 4월 14일

2,417 바이트 추가됨, 2020년 4월 14일 (화) 12:59
편집 요약 없음
* country residence 별장
* outskirt 교외 (suburb 보다 더 바깥쪽)
‘’’영상 추가 (예정)’’’
=== New COVID-19 safety measures released in S. Korea ahead of leveling down of guidelines ===
* normalcy 정상임
We have a preview of the South Korean government’s plans for a new set of guidelines to ease us all toward a degree of normalcy.
* call in sick 전화로 아프다고 신고하다
In the case of high fever or persistent coughing, people are recommended to call in sick and stay inside.
* repercussion 영향
The guidelines say employees should support sick employees by allowing them to stay home without any fear of them losing their job or other repercussion.
‘’’영상 추가 (예정)’’’
=== Look at S. Korea’s 2020 general election by the numbers ===
* polling station 투표소
* ballot paper 투표용지
People arriving at polling stations across South Korea for this year’s general election on Wednesday might be in for quite the shock as they’ll be presented with the longest ballot paper in South Korea’s election history.
* On top of that ~뿐만 아니라(=in addition to that)
* make one’s voice heard (자신의 감정, 의견 등을 표명하다), 투표하다(cast a ballot)
18-year-old South Koreans will be able to make their voices heard in the democratic process.
* break A down into B (A를 B로) 조목조목 나누다
We break the election down into its key numbers.
* bring something with you ~를 챙기다
Be sure to vote in time if you’re planning to cast a ballot, and don’t forget to bring your identification cards with you such as registration cards or passports.
* be up for grabs 누구나 차지할 수 있는
* constituency 유권자들, 선거구들
That’s the total number of seats up for grabs at the National Assembly. 253 seats are allocated for constituencies and 47 are determined by proportional representation.
* One ~, and the other ~ 하나는 ~이고 다른 하나는 ~이다.
One to vote for a candidate running for your constituency, and the other to vote for the party you support for the proportional representation seats.
* electronic counter 전자개표기
In fact, electronic counters cannot read ballot papers longer than 34.9 centimeters, so, for the first time in 18 years, the votes will be counted by hand.
* be entitled to ~할 자격이 있는
That lower voting age means an extra roughly 548-thousand people are eligible to vote.
‘’’영상 추가 (예정)’’’

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