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(KoreaHerald Podcast) 2019년 7월 17일

181 바이트 추가됨, 2019년 7월 20일 (토) 14:53
편집 요약 없음
The leaders of the country's five biggest '''conglomerates'''<ref>conglomerate: 대기업</ref> - Samsung Electronics, Hyundai Motor Group, SK Group, LG Group, and Lotte Group - are '''tightening their reins on'''<ref>tighten reins on A: A의 고삐를 조이다</ref> the group's operations, '''bracing for'''<ref>brace for A: A에 대비하다</ref> possible '''ripple effects'''<ref>ripple effect: 파급효과</ref> on the global economy and business environment as a result of Japan's decision.
Samsung Electronics Vice Chairman Lee Jae-Yong is '''spearheading'''<ref>spearhead: 진두지휘하다</ref> '''an array of'''<ref>an array of ~ 다수의</ref> contingency plans.
== 어휘 정리 ==