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Kendra's Language School

2,742 바이트 추가됨, 2020년 1월 12일 (일) 23:16
# You know what I mean?
# I envy you very much.
# I'm so satisfied today.
# I owe you a lot.
# What a great day!
# Are you all right?
# Have a good time.
# I'd be glad to. ("I'd" blending 알아들음)
# Why did you divorce? (divorce 가 동사로도 쓰이는군)
# I'm really enjoying this.
# I couldn't be happier.
# He is not in.
# What should I do? ("What shall I do?" 와의 차이점은?)
# Do you have a bit of time now?
# I have a long hair.
# She is my best friend.
# I get nervous easily.
# Sorry. I'm tied up now. (미안, 나 지금 바빠.)
# I'd like to check out.
# I'm all ears.
# I manage quality control.
# I don't think so.
# My arms are '''flashy'''. (flash 라고 적었음. 호화로운이라는 뜻의 flashy 를 모르기도 했지만 -y 발음을 그냥 무시해서 못 적은 것도 있고, 처음에는 "내 팔이 번개처럼 빠르다?"는 뜻인 줄로 알았음.)
# How did '''your''' find his novel? (받아쓰기는 맞음. 그런데 you 가 아니라 your 로 써도 되는건가?)
# Could I talk to you?
# He won an election.
# You too.
# My eyelids are single-folded.
# Please slow down a little bit.
# Make up your mind.
# You piss me off.
# Do you live alone?
# Do I have to.
# What time is it?
# What's this?
# Is there a public phone around here?
# The food is delicious.
# Is it good?
# Haven't seen you for ages.
# I'm sorry to be late.
# I feel happy.
# It's a long story. (또 나왔던거...)
# That's '''ok.''' (okay 라고 적었음)
# I agreed with your plan.
# Speak of the devil.
# You owe me one.
# Don't worry about it.
# It's very hot outside.
# Can I try it on?
# I don't think I will.
# Don't be so childish.
# What do you recommend?
# That's too much.
# I want to go to.
# I'm calling to say goodbye. (어떤 때는 good-bye 라고 적고, 또 어떤 때는 goodbye 라고 적네?)
# Nothing can't stop you now.
# I seem to have a fever.
# Time flies. I'd better go. (아마도 "Time flies" 라는 표현을 알고 있어서 어렵지 않게 들은듯)
# I'm sorry.
# I'll back you up.
# This house is my own.
# Please tell me your E-mail address. (email 이라고 적었는데, E-mail 이라고 적어야 하나보다.)
# Behind you.
# Don't '''hog''' the bathroom.
# We' '''re''' all set. (성우가 이거 일부러 '위 리 올 셋' 이라고 읽은 것 같다. 근데 만약 We're all set 에서 We' re 을 사람이 실수로 띄어쓴 거라면, Text to Speach(TTS) 기술을 통해 사람이 아닌 기계가 읽으면서 오류가 발생한 것으로 보인다)