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2020년 4월 14일

1,608 바이트 추가됨, 2020년 4월 14일 (화) 13:07
편집 요약 없음
‘’’영상 추가 (예정)’’’
=== Senior public health officials say U.S. could gradually reopen in May, but cautious on exact timing ===
* raise the possibility of something ~의 가능성을 올리다
As the U.S. is seeing signs that the COVID-19 outbreak could be peaking, a number of senior health officials are raising the possibility of reopening its economy next month.
* amid ~와중에 (항상 나쁜 상황)
Senior U.S. public health officials say the country could start to gradually reopen in May, amid signs the COVID-19 pandemic has reached its peak.
* ease restrictions 제한을 완화하다
Anthony Fauci, the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases told CNN Sunday that parts of the country could begin easing restrictions next month, but he urged caution.
* Things are happening very rapidly. 여러 가지 일들이 빠르게 일어나고 있다.
We’re looking at May 1st. Obviously, we want that to happen as soon as possible. I can’t predict at this point because as I said, things are happening very rapidly.
* the earliest possible time 가능한 가장 빠른 시간
But this team, this team of doctors, this team of experts, all of government approach, they’re focused at looking at the earliest possible time that we can get Americans back to work safely and to give Americans the confidence they need to make sure that these are the right decisions.
* mull the option 선택지를 숙고하다
Meanwhile, President Trump reportedly mulled the option in March of allowing COVID-19 to wash over the U.S. as one potential strategy for dealing with the outbreak.

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