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2020년 4월 14일

975 바이트 추가됨, 2020년 4월 14일 (화) 13:14
* mull the option 선택지를 숙고하다
Meanwhile, President Trump reportedly mulled the option in March of allowing COVID-19 to wash over the U.S. as one potential strategy for dealing with the outbreak.
* herd immunity 집단 면역
According to the Washington Post, he suggested allowing the country to develop so-called herd immunity. Doctor Fauci, however, warned that many people would die.
‘’’영상 추가 (예정)’’’
=== (TED) How you can use imposter syndrome to your benefit - Mike CAnnon Brookes 2017 ===
* imposter syndrome 가면증후군
* I know what I’m doing 내가 하는 일을 아주 잘 한다.
So you’d think that I know what I’m doing every day when I go to work.
* Have you ever felt out of your depth like a fraud? 자신이 사기꾼처럼 아무것도 모른다고 느껴본 적이 있나요?
* bullshit 헛소리하다
* petrified 극도로 무서워하는
* surreptitiously 몰래, 남모르게
Feeling like a five-year-old as I surreptitiously write them down in my notebook so I can look them up on Wikipedia when I get home later.
* mouthpiece 송화구
I would cover the phone, cover the mouthpiece of the phone.

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