2020년 3월 16일

라이언양 위키
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1 소개

2020년 3월 16일의 기록

2 영어


  • I’ve never gone on benders in my whole life.
  • I hope she has a good time there.
  • She lost her head when prosecutors raided her company.
  • Why would anyone talk behind people’s backs.
  • I’m never going to go on a bender again!
  • Have a good time in Paris.
  • I lost my head and had a big fight with my boyfriend.
  • Why would anyone travel to Italy at this time?
  • Every time I start my new year, I make some resolutions and hit the ground running. But I cannot keep going.
  • He worked hard behind the scenes, helping to make the company run smoothly.
  • He started a delivery boy back in 1875, then he worked his way up over the years.
  • I heard you started doing the pilates from this month.
  • I used to go on a bender in my early 20's. Not any more as I grow in ages.
  • We usually have a good time for family gatherings, building a bond with each other.
  • He lost his head when he got a pink slip without any notice.
  • Why would anyone be so obsessed with the very small one??
  • Wearing a mask is all the rage in Korea and is preparing the ground not only to protect oneself but also to avoid the spread of any diseases.
  • Before the spread of the outbreak of the novel Corona virus, masks in Korea are up for grabs.
  • In this catastrophe, it could be a plus that Korea has advanced medical systems and high quality hygiene infrastructures compared to other countries.
  • In fact, many people in Korea get their normal lives back on track as soon as possible.
  • She used to go on a bendor in a couple of days and couldn't sing on stage.
  • Why not have a good time with your family instead working?
  • She lost her head when she saw her boyfriend was cheating with other women.
  • Why would anyone get a plastic surgery?
  • He is setting the bar high with a lot of pressures as one of the prestigious sculptures.
  • When the backer put fresh baked breads on his shelf, people rushed to the store like a moth to a flame.
  • If you leave your mark on the city, you left legacy and did a lot of things in the city.
  • It is no surprise that she left everyone in the dust in this competition.
  • I should go to high level university as my parents set the bar high.
  • When date is to set class, all of the students go to internet cafe like moth to a flame.
  • Movie director Mr. Bong left his mark in the world of movie.
  • It's no surprise that she is hospitalized due to corona virus as the virus is spreading swiftly all over the country.
  • You totally humiliated me. I lost face with all of my friends.
  • Yuna Kim showed other figure skaters up by doing her perfect performance in the first stage.
  • That's just my luck to have a superstar for a mom.
  • Did you think I'd forget all of my moves?
  • He lost her face when a group of ex-girlfriends visited his company.
  • If you always try to show your friends up, you will be finally alone in your life.
  • Just my luck, I didn’t get promoted last year.
  • Did you think I’d forget our anniversary?
  • I lost face when she pointed me out in my presentation.
  • If he tries to teach me, I will show him up.
  • It's just my luck to encounter him on street as soon as I had plastic surgery.
  • Did you think I'd be disappointed that you gave up the university.
  • I went through my money to pay the online lecture.
  • My president was under fire for giving a lot of mask to china though we were also lack of mask.
  • Oh, it seems fishy. Why did he act as if he did fault?
  • So it's free right?
  • When I watch the program, "나는 자연인이다", I can see many people who are off the grid. The way they live is so interesting.
  • Learning English was a long haul, but it was worth it.
  • Intelligence is a double-edged sword: The smarter you are, the more people expect from you.
  • I can tell you're a little bit down today.
  • My parents slowly warmed up to my dog because they hadn't lived with a pet before.
  • Taking all these facts into consideration, I can't believe you anymore.
  • It was in my best interests to let my boss know about my mistakes.
  • But is it a good idea to meet my parents in this situation? I think we can celebrate my dad's birthday later when corona-19 is over.
  • I usually go through around 10 bottle of wine a month.
  • He has been under fire for coming up with improper measurements in this catastrophic problems.
  • His action in response to the novel coronavirus looked very fish. It seems that he acts weird nowadays.
  • So it's going to turn a corner on coronavirus in Korea, right?
  • Due to the lack of masks, nowadays there are some people who make them by themselves and go off the grid for their hygiene.
  • Even though it is a long haul journey, a lot of people living in European countries want to come back to Korea before the complete lockdown.
  • Whatever it is, everything has a double edged sword like coins including pros and cons.
  • I can tell you bounce off the wall because you won the lottery.
  • When she came to that company and felt like out of fish. But she notice that people has warmed up to her.
  • The government should take into consideration how effectively the new policy will give an impact on our country in a timely manner before implementing it.
  • It will be in his best interests to address this issue at first.
  • But is it a good idea to hold a bug party in this time of the pandemic disaster?